Selected 2019-2020 publications by faculty members affiliated with the FEI:
- “From Shanghai to Sydney: Chinese Stock Market Influences on Australia,” Richard C.K. Burdekin, with Ran Tao, forthcoming, Finance Research Letters
- “Chinese Liquidity Effects on the Australian Macroeconomy, 2002-2017,” Richard C.K. Burdekin, with Ran Tao, research assistance provided by Xinyi Hu’19, Applied Economics, Vol. 52, No. 18 (2020), pp. 1973-1985.
- “Macroeconomic Drivers of Chinese ADRs: Home Country vs. US Effects,” Richard C.K. Burdekin, with Junjie Zhang, The Chinese Economy, Vol. 52, No. 4 (July-August 2019), pp. 342-357.
- “Deep Flaws in a Mercury Regulatory Analysis,” Mary F. Evans, with Joseph Aldy, Matthew Kotchen, Meredith Fowlie, Arik Levinson, and Karen Palmer, Science 368(6488): 247-248, 2020
- “Using Revealed Preference Methods to Estimate the Value of Reduced Mortality Risk: Best Practice Recommendations for the Hedonic Wage Model,” Mary F. Evans, and Laura O. Taylor, forthcoming, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
- “External Auditor Responses to Tax Risk,” Andrew R. Finley, J. Abernathy, E. Rapley, and J. Stekelberg, forthcoming, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance
- “The Effect of Large Corporate Donors on Nonprofit Performance,” Andrew R. Finley, C.M. Hall, E. Harris, and S. J. Lusch, forthcoming, Journal of Business Ethics
- “The Information Content from Releases of the Deferred Tax Valuation Allowance,” Andrew R. Finley and A. Ribal, Journal of American Taxation Association 41 (2): 83-101, 2019
- “Employee Movements from Audit Firms to Audit Clients,” Andrew R. Finley, M. Kim, P. T. Lamoreaux, and C. S. Lennox, Contemporary Accounting Research 36 (4): 1999-2034, 2019
- “Estimating Racial Differences in Wrongful Conviction Rates,” Eric Helland, with David Bjerk, forthcoming, Journal of Law and Economics.
- “Tort Liability and the Market for Prescription Drugs,” Eric Helland, with Darius Lakdawalla, Anup Malani, and Seth Seabury, forthcoming, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization.
- “The Role of Ideology in Judicial Evaluations of Experts,” Eric Helland, research assistance provided by Jack Gersteberger ’17, Yutao James Jiang ’19, Kaitlyn Kelleher ’17, Andrew Lindquist ’19, Abigail Schantz ’18, Hamsa Srikanth ’19, Aarushi Tibrewala ’18, Geroge Vojta ’17, and Peter Welch ’18, forthcoming, Journal of Law and Economics.
- “Does It Matter Who Pays for Auto Injuries?” Eric Helland, with Paul Heaton, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 86(4): 947-972, 2019
- “The price of boardroom social capital: The effects of corporate demand for external connectivity,” Yun Liu, with S. P. Ferris and D. Javakhadze, research assistance provided by Zijin “Lydia” Fu ’18, Journal of Banking and Finance 111 (2020), 105729.
- “Capital flow reversals, sudden stops, and international reserve adequacy,” Thomas D. Willett, with Levan Efremidze and Ozan Sula, International Journal of Financial Research, No. 1, 2019, pp 53-67
- “International Capital Flows and the Independence of China’s Monetary Policy,” Thomas D. Willett, with Yanzheng Wang and Xiumin Li, The Chinese Economy, Vol.52, 2019, issue 4 pp 300-317
- “China’s Global Interdependence: International Reserves, Capital Inflows, Financial Market Transmission, and Exchange Rate Determination”, Thomas D. Willett, with Richard C.K. Burdekin, The Chinese Economy, Vol.53, 2019, pp295-299
- “Contagion from the crises in the Euro-zone: where, when and why?” Thomas D. Willett, with Eric Pentecost et. al., The European Journal of Finance, 2019, 25:14, pp1309-1327
- “Capital controls and currency crises: revisited: A political economy analysis,” Thomas D. Willett, with Eric Chiu), Emerging Markets Trade and Finance, May 2019. pp1-21
- “Unifying Gaussian Dynamic Term Structure Models from a Heath-Jarrow-Morton Perspective,” Fan Yu, with Haitao Li and Xiaoxia Ye, forthcoming, European Journal of Operational Research
- “Property Investment and Rental Rate under Housing Price Uncertainty: A Real Options Approach,” Fan Yu, with Honglin Wang and Yinggang Zhou, forthcoming, Real Estate Economics
- “Modeling Municipal Yields with (and without) Bond Insurance,” Fan Yu, with Albert Lee Chun, Ethan Namvar, and Xiaoxia Ye, Management Science 65(8), 3694-3713 (2019)
- “The Impact of Trade Reporting and Central Clearing on CDS Price Informativeness,” Fan Yu with Miriam Mara and Lu Zhu, Journal of Financial Stability 43, 130-145 (2019)
- George Batta, J. Qiu, Fan Yu, “Credit Derivatives and Analyst Behavior,” 2016, The Accounting Review 91: 1315-1343
- Richard C. K. Burdekin, Leroy O. Laney, “Fiscal policymaking and the central bank institutional constraint Una Vez Más: New Latin American evidence,” 2016, Public Choice
- Richard C. K. Burdekin, Xinyi Hu, “Deflationary Pressures Today: The Chinese, Japanese and Spanish Cases Compared,” 2018, The Chinese Economy, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
- Asaf Bernstein, Eric Hughson & Marc Weidenmier, “Counterparty Risk and the Establishment of the New York Stock Exchange Clearinghouse,” 2017, Journal of Political Economy
- Alan Guoming Huang, Eric Hughson, J. Chris Leach, “Generational Asset Pricing, Equity Puzzles, and Cyclicality,” 2016, Review of Economic Dynamics
- Angela Vossmeyer, “Sample Selection and Treatment Effect Estimation of Lender of Last Resort Policies,” 2016, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 34, 2, 197-212
- Sriya Anbil, Angela Vossmeyer, “The Quality of Banks at Stigmatized Lending Facilities,” 2019, AEA Papers and Proceedings, forthcoming