FEI Research Analyst Interns prepare and analyze databases, program, manage the FEI website, and perform administrative work for the Institute. In addition, students work with faculty members on a variety of empirically-based research projects.
Somu Amujala ’23

About Somu
Major: Economics and Data Science
Somu researched, developed, and trained Natural Language Processing model in Python to automatically digitize 22,000+ typewriter-based index card records. He leveraged AWS Machine Learning functions in model to optimize efficiency, specifically AWS Textract and Comprehend. In addition, he further developed a model to read and automatically categorize different entities within the index cards through excel, i.e. sort dates, abbreviations, amounts, locations, etc. into different columns. Outside of the FEI, Somu is a Part-Time Product Management Intern at EveryAction, the Director of Community Engagement @ SOURCE Nonprofit consulting, and a Product Fellow at the 5C Product Space.
Umut Arac ’22

About Umut
Major: Economics & Physics
Umut worked with Professor Angela Vossmeyer on a project exploring the impact of U.S. defense expenditures on stock market volatility. In particular, this involved building R visualizations that will guide econometric modeling by extending research findings to specific states and industries with high military involvement.
Besides the FEI, Umut does research for the Lowe Institute of Political Economy, specifically focusing on firm migration from California. Umut is also a Tour Guide and a Senior Interviewer for the Admissions Office. Umut is also a member of the Spring ’20 cohort for the Silicon Valley Program—where he had a chance to work in the Risk & Governance Department of Silicon Valley Bank.
Aaryan Batra ’24

About Aaryan
Major: Economics and History
Aaryan’s team is analyzing how various cryptocurrency price returns are related to each other and how their relationship has evolved over time. Moreover, they are looking at how to incorporate cryptocurrencies in an investment portfolio, while adjusting for risk. Finally, they are comparing cryptocurrencies with other assets like Gold, Stocks, etc.
Outside of the FEI, Aaryan is involved in Sagehen Capital Management, the Blockchain Innovation Group, and Claremont Creative Coterie.
Raj Bhutoria ’22
Sam Bogen ’23
Sohrab Dubashi ’22

About Raj

About Sam
Major: Economics and Data Science
He is currently working with Professor Richard Burdekin on a valuation project. In fall 2021, Sam worked with Professor Andrew Finley on a project regarding political contributions of top CEO’s. Specifically, this involved pulling data through web scraping and beginning to analyze it. During the 2020-2021 Academic Year, Sam worked with Professor Florian Madison on projects examining collateralization, risk, and early-stage investment, particularly analyzing non-traditional markets for collateral and asymmetric information in financing, as well as looking at the differences in motivation and risk between different methods of entrepreneurial finance and different ways to examine the negotiation process.
Outside of the FEI, Sam serves as ASCMC’s Academic Affairs Chair in ASCMC’s Senate and Executive Board.

About Sohrab
Major: RDS BA/MA Bachelors in Economics, Masters in Finance
Sohrab worked as the FEI’s Bloomberg Tutor.
Outside of the FEI, Sohrab is also a Portfolio Manager for the Student Investment Fund.
Lulu (Ruilu) Gao ’23
Miguel Garcia ’22
Audrey Guilloteau ’22

About Lulu
Major: Economics and Data Science
Lulu is currently co-working with Aaryan for Prof. Pierangelo on his cryptocurrency project in exploring the comovement and instability in cryptocurrency markets. Throughout the project, she helped Professor Pierangelo collect data on cryptocurrency and the stock market and help carry out analysis on the extent of comovement between daily price returns of nine major cryptocurrencies.
In addition to being a research analyst for FEI, Lulu is currently a board member and a mentor for I-Connect, a student-run affinity group for international students at CMC. Additionally, she is currently part of the TMT team for the Student Investment Fund. At the same time, she serves as the International Student Program Intern who works as an intern for Chrystal, the director of CMC International Student Services.

About Miguel

About Audrey
Major: RDS BA/MA Bachelors in Economics, Masters in Finance
Audrey works with Professor George Batta categorizing credit agreements, particularly financial covenant thresholds, negative covenant definitions, and deductibles for various restrictions in order to potentially predict corporate credit bubbles.
On campus, Audrey is part of the Robert Day Scholars Program, and she is involved in the Student Investment Fund as the Portfolio Manager of the Energy & Utilities Group.
Yulei (Max) Guo ’22
Michael Hao ’23
Matthew Hines ’22

About Max
Major: Computer Science and Economics
Max is currently working with Professor Yun Liu on a project regarding corporate executives’ selection. In particular, this involved building machine learning models to predict future performances of potential CEO nominees in order to assist firms to make appointments. Previously, he worked with the FEI Director, Professor Nishant Dass, to discover empirical evidence of power law in corporate financial data.
Outside of the FEI, Max is also a tutor for computer science and programming. He also loves hiking and kayaking.

About Michael
Major: Economics and History
Michael is working with Professor Finley to examine how political contributions relate to party affiliation among corporate executives using OpenSecrets.org. He also helped Professor Finley test algorithm accuracy for treasury regulations and CEO ethnicity validation.
Outside of the FEI, Michael is a varsity tennis athlete, club tennis supervisor, econometrics tutor, Lowe Institute research analyst. Beyond the classroom, Michael has interned at valuation firm Intrinsic during the summer of 2021, and he is an incoming Apple finance intern.

About Matthew
Aryaman Jaiswal ’24
Jonathan Ke ’25
Hyung Jin (Daniel) Kim ’23

About Aryaman
Major: Computer Science and Economics
Aryaman worked with Professor Angela Vossmeyer on a project that looked into the reopening of banks during the Great Depression in the 1930s. In particular, this project analyzed key financial statement parameters and ratios that might have played a role in the speed of reopening of banks at a town level.
Outside of the FEI, Aryaman is involved in the Graphite Group, Vector Data Analytics, and Product Space. He is also a Computer Science Tutor at Harvey Mudd College

About Jonathan
Major: Economics and Data Science
Jonathan worked with Professor Dass as the FEI Website Manager to co-lead website maintenance and explore methods to promote the Institute and its programs, through the website and social media platforms.
Outside of the FEI, Jonathan is part of the Keck Center World Affairs Podcast Program, Sagehen Capital Management, Pomona Consulting Group, and serves as a Club Liaison for ASCMC.

About Daniel
Tommy Lu ’24
Jataditya (Jay) Maliye ’23
Kamila Melikova ’24

About Tommy

About Jay
Major: Economics and Data Science
Jay worked with Professor Vossmeyer on a project that explores resolutions for distressed banks, including liquidations, distressed takeovers, and consolidations. Jay studied spatial and time correlation in exiting-acquiring bank relationships, demonstrating strong trends in each. He further examined how the acquisition of distressed banks increases the amount of risk on a bank’s balance sheet and total systemic risk in the financial system.
Outside of the FEI, Jay is also the Director of the Vector Data Analytics Club, a Research Assistant at the Kravis Leadership Institute, and an Associate Consultant at the Graphite Group.

About Kamila
Karina Park ’22
Annie Raines ’22
Alua Telemtayeva ’24

About Karina
Major: Science Management
Karina worked with Professor Andrew Finley to examine determinants associated with the appointment of corporate minority officers and corporate outcomes associated with minority appointments. The research also examined how political contributions relate to party affiliation among corporate executives.
Outside of the FEI, Karina is involved in the Student Investment Fund and the Asian Pacific American Mentorship Program. She is also a Tour Guide, an ECON86 Accounting Tutor, and a Resident Technology Assistant.

About Annie
Major: Economics and History

About Alua
Major: Economics
Alua worked at the FEI as a podcast host, currently working on a podcast series concentrated on the industry of financial services. She interviews Claremont alumni with field experience, capturing their take on the world of finance and what students should expect as they enter this industry. She also works closely with the marketing team of the FEI to create informative content and attract more attention to the FEI website.
Outside of the FEI, Alua is a product manager at Product Space, an event manager at Claremont Women in Business (CWIB), university partner of the Crescent Fund (a venture fund investing in student-led startups), and an analyst at Sagenehn’s Capital Management.
Andy Tu ’24
Ansh Vora ’23
Lewis White ’25

About Andy
Major: Economics and International Relations
Andy is currently working on identifying the characteristics of disruptive innovation by analyzing projects and companies that claim to be disruptively innovative.
Outside of the FEI, he is an analyst at the Pomona Sagehen Capital Management investment fund, a consultant working with nonprofits at Pomona Consulting Group, and a fellows candidate at the Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

About Ansh

About Lewis
Major: Environment, Economics, and Politics with Financial Economics Sequence
Lewis works with the FEI Podcast production team.
Outside of the FEI, he is the creator and co-host of the BrakeCheck Podcast, an Automotive podcast featuring guests, questions, and experiences from the Seattle car community with 14 episodes and counting. Lewis is from Seattle but he has spent a lot of time alpine ski racing in Saas-Fee, Switzerland, and up at Crystal Mountain. When he is not working on assignments or taking a moment to recharge, you will catch him driving near Mt. Baldy or working out at Robert’s Pavilion/ SoulCycle.
Christopher Wicke ’23
Aaron Xie ’24
Raizel Yu ’22

About Christopher
Major: Economics & Accounting
Christopher worked with Professor George Batta in categorizing corporate credit agreements, particularly financial covenant thresholds, negative covenants, definitions, and deductibles in order to potentially predict corporate credit bubbles. This project is a continuation of the research Christopher has been doing with Professor George Batta last summer and fall.
Elsewhere on campus, he is a member of the CMS Football Team and an analyst with the Student Investment Fund.

About Aaron
Major: Economics and Physics
Aaron worked with Professor Helland examining the effect of the Dodd-Frank expansion of administrative court on the litigation outcome. I am mainly working on processing the SEC filings data in Python, which is then analyzed through NLP methods to create controls and treatment groups.
Outside of the FEI, Aaron is also doing research at the Marzen Lab at Keck Science, and he is part of the Kravis Lab for Social Impact as well as the Randall Lewis Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

About Raizel
Major: RDS BA/MA Bachelors in Economics, Masters in Finance
Raizel worked with Professor George Batta to categorize credit agreements, particularly financial covenant thresholds, in order to analyze contract strictness and predict potential corporate credit bubbles. She also worked with Professor Nishant Dass in developing a FinTech curriculum and FinTech blog on behalf of the FEI.
Outside of the FEI, Raizel is the CEO of Smart Woman Securities, Head Career Student Mentor at Soll Center for Student Opportunity.